Download CV (last updated December 10, 2024)
Selected Publications
15. (2024) BM Lind, KE Lotterhos. The accuracy of predicting maladaptation to new environments with genomic data. Molecular Ecology Resources. Direct Link Download PDF
14. (2024) J Whiting, TR Booker, BM Lind, Genomics Consortium, S Yeaman. The genetic architecture of repeated local adaptation to climate in distantly related plants. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Direct Link Download PDF
13. (2023) M Lu, N Feau, BM Lind, P Singh, D Vidakovic, R Hamelin, SN Aitken, S Yeaman. Genetic architecture underlying response to the fungal pathogen Dothistroma septosporum in Pinus contorta, Pinus banksiana, and their hybrids. In review.
12. (2024) BM Lind, R Candido-Ribeiro, P Singh, M Lu, D Vidakovic, T Booker, M Whitlock, N Isabel, S Yeaman, S Aitken. How useful is genomic data for predicting maladaptation to future climate? Global Change Biology. Direct Link Download PDF
11. (2022) R Jasper, TK McDonald, P Singh, M Lu, C Rougeux, BM Lind, S Yeaman. Evaluating the accuracy of variant calling methods using the frequency of parent-offspring genotype mismatch. Molecular Ecology Resources. Direct Link Download PDF
10. (2021) BM Lind*, M Lu*, D Vidakovic, P Singh, T Booker, S Yeaman, S Aitken. Haploid, diploid, and pooled exome capture recapitulate features of biology and paralogy in two non-model tree species. Molecular Ecology Resources. Direct Link Download PDF
09. (2021) IR MacLachlan, TK McDonald, BM Lind, LH Rieseberg, S Yeaman, S Aitken. Genome-wide shifts in climate-related variation underpin responses to selective breeding in a widespread conifer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 18(10) e2016900118. Direct link Download PDF
08. (2019) Mahoney CR, IR MacLachlan, BM Lind, JB Yoder, T Wang, S Aitken. Evaluating genomic data for management of local adaptation in a changing climate: A lodgepole pine case study. Evolutionary Applications 00:1-16. Direct link. Download PDF
07. (2019) Friedline CJ, TM Faske, BM Lind, EM Hobson, P Dylan, R Dyer, D Johnson, L Thompson, K Grayson, AJ Eckert. Evolutionary genomics of gypsy moth populations sampled along a latitudinal gradient. Molecular Ecology 28:2206-2223. Direct link Download PDF
06. (2018) Lind BM; MP North; PE Maloney; AJ Ecker. Effect of fire and thinning on fine-scale genetic structure and gene flow in fire-suppressed populations of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Douglas). Forest Ecology & Management 447:115-129.Download PDF Direct link
Invited 05. (2018) Lind BM; M Menon; CE Bolte, TM Faske; AJ Eckert. The genomics of local adaptation in trees: Are we out of the woods yet? Tree Genetics & Genomes 14: 29. Direct link Download PDF
04. (2017) Lind BM; CJ Friedline, JL Wegrzyn, PE Maloney, DR Vogler, DB Neale, AJ Eckert. Water availability drives signatures of local adaptation in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Englm.) across fine spatial scales of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Molecular Ecology 26:3168-3185. Direct link Download PDF
03. (2016) Eckert AJ; DE Harwood, BM Lind, EM Hobson, A Mix, PE Maloney, CJ Friedline. The genetic architecture of local adaptation II: The QTL landscape of water-use efficiency for foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.). bioRxiv
02. (2015) Friedline CJ; BM Lind, EM Hobson, DE Harwood, A Mix, PE Maloney, AJ Eckert. The genetic architecture of local adaptation I: The genomic landscape of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.) as revealed from a high-density linkage map. Tree Genetics & Genomes 11:1-15. Direct link Download PDF
01. (2013) Li B; W Han, M Byun, L Zhu, Q Zou, ZQ Lin. Macroscopic highly aligned DNA nanowires created by controlled evaporative self-assembly. ACS Nano, 7, 4326-4333. Direct link Download PDF . The senior author has acknowledged that I deserve authorship due to my contribution from a 2010 NSF RUE with this lab group
Invited 15. (Jan 2024) Lind BM How useful is genetic data for species management? Lessons from Forest Trees. Department seminar, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER 14. (Sept 2023) Lind BM The limits of predicting maladaptation to future climates with genomic data. EVOLTREE Conference. Brasov, Romania.
Invited 13. (Dec 2022) Lind BM Leveraging ecological genomics to inform species management. Department seminar, Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences, Northeastern University.
Invited 12. (Sept 2021) Lind BM, R Candido-Ribeiro, P Singh, M Lu, D Vidakovic, T Booker, M Whitlock, N Isabel, S Yeaman, S Aitken. How off are genetic offset predictions? Lessons from common gardens and three clades of conifers. EvolTree 2021. Virtual.
11. (May 2021) Lind BM, S Yeaman, S Aitken. Patterns and climate drivers of adaptive variation in Douglas-fir. Western Forest Genetics Association conference. Virtual.
Invited 10. (Jan 2020) Lind BM; P Singh, S Yeaman,, S Aitken. Convergence of Polygenic Climate Adaptation in Conifers. Tree Genetics Workshop, Plant & Animal Genomes conference. San Diego, California.
09. (June 2019) Lind BM; M Lu; D Obreht; S Yeaman; S Aitken. Combining exome capture and pool-seq: Lessons from three conifer species. Evolution Conference. Providence, Rhode Island.
Invited 08. (Jan 2019) Lind BM; M Lu, D Vidakovic, S Yeaman, S Aitken. An efficient method to genotype species with large and complex genomes. Tree Genetics Workshop, Plant & Animal Genomes conference. San Diego, California.
07. (June 2017) Lind BM; M North; AJ Eckert. Time to tree-think the genetic effects of forest management: Moving beyond heterozygosity indices. Evolution Conference. Portland, OR.
06. (Feb 2017) Lind BM; M Menon, C Bolte, T Faske, AJ Eckert. The genomics of local adaptation in trees: Are we out of the woods yet?. ILS Showcase. Richmond, Virginia.
Invited 05. (Oct 2016) Lind BM; CJ Friedline, JL Wegrzyn, PE Maloney, DR Vogler, CE Jensen, AD Mix, DB Neale, and AJ Eckert. Local adaptation of three white pines across fine spatial scales of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA: Implications to sustainable management and conservation of conifer species. Natural Areas Conference. Davis, California.
04. (June 2016) Lind BM; CJ Friedline, JL Wegrzyn, PE Maloney, DR Vogler, DB Neale, and AJ Eckert. When local means local: polygenic signatures of local adaptation within whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) across the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Evolution Conference. Austin, Texas.
03. (June 2015) Lind BM; PE Maloney, DR Vogler, DB Neale, and AJ Eckert. Genetic architecture of fitness-related traits in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Englm.). 35th New Phytologist Symposium - The Genomes of Forest Trees: New Frontiers in Forest Biology. Harvard University. Boston, MA.
02. (Nov 2014) Friedline CJ; BM Lind, EM Hobson, DE Harwood, AD Mix, PE Maloney, and AJ Eckert. Local adaptation and linkage maps - a first step towards the genomic architecture of fitness-related phenotypes in natural populations. VCU Integrative Life Science Ph.D. Showcase. Richmond, VA.
01. (June 2014) Lind BM; EM Hobson, MP North, AJ Eckert. Proposal: Genetic effects of factorial fire and thinning in fire-suppressed populations of Jeffrey and sugar pine. Evolution Conference. Raleigh, NC.
Public Coding and Genetic Resources
Analysis code from previous and current research
12. Lind BM. (2024a) Publication release (Version 1.1.0).
Zenodo. (see Publication 12)
11. Lind BM. (2024b) Preprint release (Version 1.0.0).
Zenodo. Publication 15)
10. Lind BM. (2023a). Offset Revision 1 (v1.0.0).
Zenodo. (see Publication 12)
09. Lind BM. (2023b). Offset Revision 1 (v1.0.0).
Zenodo. (see Publication 12)
08. Lind BM. (2021a) Publication release (Version 1.0.0). Zenodo. (see Publication 09)
07. Lind BM. (2021b) Publication release (Version 1.0.0).
Zenodo. (see Publication 09)
06. Lind BM. (2021c) Publication release (Version 1.0.0).
Zenodo. (see Publication 09)
05. Lind BM. (2021d) Preprint release (Version 1.0.0). Zenodo. (see Publications 11, 13)
04. (see Publication 05)
03. (see Publication 04)
02. (see Publication 03)
Foxtail pine genetic linkage map
01. Tree Genes Comparative Map Database, Accession Number: TG151